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Fish-on 8 Custom Wood Plugs
Thirty years of experience of general contracting plus a lifetime of fishing plus one stealthy antique wooden lure collection equals eight. Robert is the brains, brawn and beautiful artistry behind Fish on 8 custom wood plugs. Robert’s attention to detail is sacred. Every plug that he puts out is totally and completely constructed by him. He personally picks the wood, designs the body, carves the lure, turns the lure, attaches the wires, seals the piece, air brushes the paint, ties the tails, attaches the hooks, labels the masterpiece and bags each and every lure with his own hands. These lures are fully sealed, meaning the whole lure is salt water tight and through wired with stainless steel to ensure a reliable connection while hauling in that catch of a lifetime. They are also constructed using stainless steel custom lips, Krok swivels and Wolverine split rings.

Mike Savlen Print Liquidation up to 60% off
Today is our lucky day. I'm happy to announce that my favorite fish artist Mike Savlen has decided to liquidate the last of his limited edition paper prints, why? well quite frankly he doesn't have any room to store them and he would rather they were hanging on your walls instead of taking up space in boxes. So all of the limited edition prints Mike has done on archival watercolor paper have to go, grab them while they last, he will not be making any more. There are Mahi, Stripers, Tuna, Marlin, Steelhead, and many other species of fish art created from paintings. Mike has posted them all on eBay at up to 60 or so percent off retail, so grab a bunch if you like to resell or for gifts or whatever. Click here and browse around, there are quite a few different ones I'm sure you will find something you like. I know I have.